Support Leadership Georgia
The wonderful formula that Pattillo, Wade and Fanning created in 1972 is alive and well thanks in large part to our phenomenal advocates and supporters. Your support – at the amount that’s right for you – represents a meaningful investment in one of our state’s most valuable resources – our people. There are over 3000 graduates of the Leadership Georgia program that are engaged in making a difference in our state. With your help, we can continue to educate and support new leaders in the State of Georgia to build a better Georgia for all citizens.

Gala Sponsorship Levels
Recognition as a Platinum sponsor on signage at all 5 Leadership Georgia programs in 2024.
Recognition as a Platinum sponsor on the Leadership Georgia website, the Leadership Georgia directory, and the Leadership Georgia Ledger Magazine distributed to all alumni.
Priority table seating for ten (one table) at the 2023 Gala*.
Entrance for ten to the VIP Reception at the 2023 Gala.
Your name/logo listed as a Platinum Sponsor on Gala program signage and marketing materials.
GOLD SPONSOR – $5,000+
Recognition as a Gold sponsor on signage at all 5 Leadership Georgia programs in 2024.
Recognition as a Gold sponsor in the Leadership Georgia directory, and the Leadership Georgia Ledger Magazine distributed to all alumni.
Priority table seating for six at the 2023 Gala*.
Entrance for six to the VIP Reception at the 2023 Gala.
Your name/logo listed as a Gold Sponsor on Gala program signage and marketing materials.
Recognition as a Silver sponsor on signage at all 5 Leadership Georgia programs in 2024.
Recognition as a Silver sponsor in the Leadership Georgia directory, and the Leadership Georgia Ledger Magazine distributed to all alumni.
Priority table seating for four at the 2023 Gala*.
Entrance for four to the VIP Reception at the 2023 Gala.
Your name/logo listed as a Silver Sponsor on Gala program signage and marketing materials.
Recognition as a Bronze sponsor on signage at all 5 Leadership Georgia programs in 2024.
Recognition as a Bronze sponsor in the Leadership Georgia directory, and the Leadership Georgia Ledger Magazine distributed to all alumni.
Priority table seating for two at the 2023 Gala*.
Your name/logo listed as a Bronze Sponsor on Gala program signage and marketing materials.
*Table Sponsorships and Tickets can be designated for Leadership Georgia Class of 2023 or the 2023 Program Team Members if you wish to sponsor but are unable to attend this special event.
Alumni Dues
Leadership Georgia’s annual alumni dues provide for continuing education opportunities, events, networking and workshops exclusively for alumni.
The annual alumni dues are $150, and invoices are scheduled to be delivered to your inbox on March 1st of each year. Please pay your invoice on-line using the link embedded in your invoice to ensure the alumni dues are applied to correct account. If you prefer to mail in your dues, please print your invoice and mail a check with payment voucher attached. In exchange for your payment of membership dues, Alumni are offered goods and services. Therefore, it is not considered a nonprofit tax donation for tax purposes. As a result, the payment of dues will not appear on your end of the year Donation Summary Documentation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Manager of Operations at manager@leadershipgeorgia.org or (770) 546-0260.
Annual Program Support

Each year, there are five 2.5 program days at locations around the state in which the class members attend and an annual Gala event that hosts over 450+ leaders and alumni across the state.
These are excellent opportunities for business to showcase their products/services and show support of the Leadership Georgia program.
Donations can be monetary or in-kind products/services to support each program.
There are a number of ways you can participate as sponsor. For more information, call (770) 561-6848 or email programs@leadershipgeorgia.org.
Scholarship Fund
The Marcia B. Wade Scholarship Fund
The 2017 Leadership Georgia Board of Trustees has established The Marcia B. Wade Scholarship Fund to honor the life and legacy of Marcia Wade given her untimely passing on July 19, 2017.
Marcia was a remarkable woman and the wife of one of our Leadership Georgia Founders, Rogers Wade. Marcia, along with Rogers, was deeply involved in the creation and launching of Leadership Georgia. To honor and celebrate her life, the Marcia B. Wade Scholarship Fund will be an endowed fund and will provide partial tuition scholarships to future Leadership Georgia class members based on need.
Please consider making a contribution to the endowment to support Marcia’s commitment to Leadership Georgia by providing partial tuition scholarships to future young leaders in Georgia.
Fanning Fellow Endowment Fund
A Tribute to Georgia’s Leaders
In 1990, Leadership Georgia’s Board of Trustees established the J.W. Fanning Fellows Program to honor individuals who have made a significant contribution to the growth and development of Georgia in the tradition of J.W. Fanning.
To become a J.W. Fanning Fellow, you may make a contribution of $1,000 to Leadership Georgia’s endowment. Friends and family may also confer a J.W. Fanning Fellowship on a Leadership Georgia alumnus/alumna through a contribution of $1,000 in his or her name.
J.W. Fanning Fellows receive:
- Recognition in the Leadership Georgia directory
- Engraved plaque
- 2 Tickets to Fanning Fellow reception during Alumni Weekend
To learn more, please call 770.546.0260 or email manager@leadershipgeorgia.org
The Leadership Georgia Board of Trustees established the J.W. FANNING FELLOWS designation in 1990 to honor Dr. J.W. Fanning, Leadership Georgia’s co-founder and first advisor, and his leadership principles. Individuals who make a contribution of $1,000 to Leadership Georgia’s endowment (in addition to annual dues) become a J.W. Fanning Fellow. Individuals may also name friends and family as a J.W. Fanning Fellow by contributing $1,000 to the Leadership Georgia endowment in his or her name.
The Fanning Fellow Circle designation is given to those who contribute to the Leadership Georgia Foundation Fanning Fellow program for five years or a minimum of $5,000.00.
Jeanette Cummings, Class of 1985
Jesse Cummings, Class of 1985
Paul Ferguson, MD Class of 1981
Fran Smith, Class of 2014
Russell Tilden Smith, Class of 2014
Jeb Milton Stewart, Class of 2011
Stephanie Stewart, Class of 2011
Benjamin R. Tarbutton, Class of 2009
The following are Leadership Georgia’s J.W. Fanning Fellows:
Brian Abeyta, Class of 2010
Jennifer Abshire, Class of 1997
Phillip G. Abshire, Class of 1997
David P. Adams III, Class of 2005
Jamie Alfriend, Class of 2015
James L. Allgood, Class of 1993
Kathy Allgood, Class of 1993
Robert Lynell Allgood, Class of 2000
Laurie A. Amerson, Class of 1996
Rick Amerson, Class of 1996
Brenda T. Baldwin, Class of 1992
Georgia Friends of Robin & Bubba Ball,
Class of 1996
Wales F. Barksdale, Class of 1988
Thua Barlay, Class of 2014
Alfred K. Barr, Class of 1979
Frank Barron, Past Chair,
Georgia Chamber of Commerce
Wanda T. Barrs, Class of 1996
Jeana Beeland, Class of 2004
Dee Dee Bell, Class of 1988
Russell Bennett, Class of 2007
Will Bentley, Class of 2017
Laura Benz, Class of 2013
Malinda Bergen, Class of 1998
Dennis M. Betz, Class of 1986
Betsy Barge Birkholz, Class of 1979
Matt Bishop, Class of 2008
Natalie Bishop, Class of 2008
In Memory of William R. Bowdoin
Margaret S. Bowdoin
Katrina Bowers, Class of 2004
Brenda Bradshaw, Class of 1995
Rick Bradshaw, Class of 1995
Jeana Beeland, Class of 2004
Charles Brooks, Jr., Class of 2014
Elizabeth Brooks, Class of 2014
Dr. Geil Browning
Joseph A. Buck III, Class of 1977
Joseph A. Buck, IV, Class of 2007
James E. Buntin, Ph.D. Class of 1985
Nancy Buntin, Class of 1985
Jim Butterworth, Class of 2012
Paul Cable, Class of 1991
Susan W. Cable, Class of 1991
Ken Callaway, Class of 1992
Sherri Davis Callaway, Class of 1992
Kasey Carpenter, Class of 2014
In Honor of the Caring Leadership
Amy Carter, Class of 2002
Don Carter
Doug Carter, Class of 2002
Douglas A. Carter, Class of 1994
Lucile Carter
Sandra M. Carter, Class of 1994
Debbie Cauley, Class of 1994
Mike Cauley, Class of 1994
Jill Thalacker Clark, Class of 1997
Spurgeon William Clark III, Class of 1997
Janie Coggins, Class of 1993
Kenneth E. Coggins, Class of 1993
Eric Cohen, Class of 2014
Gretchen Corbin, Class of 2003
Mary Olive Cribbs, Class of 1986
William H. Cribbs, Ph.D. Class of 1986
* Jeanette Cummings, Class of 1985
* Jesse Cummings, Class of 1985
Ann Curry, Class of 1984
Sallie Adams Daniel, Class of 1994
Frederick L. Daniels Jr., Class of 2003
Victoria S. Darrisaw, Class of 2013
F Thomas David, Class of 1988
J. Anderson Davis, Class of 1996
Janice Davis, Class of 1996
John Daviston, Class of 2015
Burke Day, Class of 1993
Sally Day, Class of 1993
Paul O. DeLoach, Class of 1986
F. Lynn Dempsey, Class of 1983
Robert Dickey, Class of 1990
Brian Dill, Class of 2013
Bolling S. DuBose, M.D.
Victoria V. Dubriel, Class of 1987
Molly Dye, Class of 1995
Michelle Edwards, Class of 1996
Wayne C. Edwards, Class of 1996
Christy Ellerbee, Class of 2013
Ashley Epting, Class of 2015
Jennifer Evans, Class of 2011
Jason Faircloth, Class of 2016
* J. Paul Ferguson, M.D. Class of 1981
Brenda C. Fitzgerald, M.D. Class of 1988
In Memory of Jane Fitzgerald Andre’
Thomas E. Fitzgerald III, M.D. Class of 1988
W.H. NeSmith Jr., Class of 1983
James R. Newman, Class of 1973
Mark Foster, Class of 2016
Megan Foster, Class of 2016
Cindy Fulks, Class of 1996
Gerald N. Fulks, Class of 1996
David C. Garrett III, Class of 1982
Howard Gilman
Jason Goodroe, Class of 2016
Leslie Emory Gordon, Class of 2013,
Robert Emory Gordon, Class of 2013
Stephanie Gordon, Class of 2016
Susan Gornall, Class of 1983
John Gran, Class of 1995
Lori Grice, Class of 1997
Ashely Groome, Class 2017
Field Gudenrath, Class of 2017
MiMi D. Gudenrath, Class of 1985
W Allen Gudenrath, Class of 1985
Lynwood Hall, Class of 1991
Nancy Geneva Hall, Class of 1989
Stacy Hall, Class of 2015
Barbara Hampton, Class of 2002
Linda Hester Hamrick
Charles E. Harman Jr., Class of 1984
Carol Harris, Class of 1988
Robert F. Hatcher, Class of 1973
Chandler Haydon, Class of 2010
Martha D. Hazelton, Class of 1981
Brenda B. Head, Class of 1997
Frederick Jerome Head, Class of 1997
Jane Reynolds Hemmer, Class of 1990
D. Higgins, Class of 2019
Doreen Hill, Class of 2016
M. Louise Hill, Class of 1988
Emily Hjort, Class of 1997
Peter Hjort, Class of 1997
Abbe Denise Hockaday, Class of 1996
Allen Hodges, Class of 1995
Anne-Knox Hodges, Class of 1995
Audrey Hollingsworth, Class of 2001
Calvin S. “Hoppy” Hopkins, Class of 1984
DeAnn Hopkins, Class of 1984
Arthur Houston, Class of 2009
Emily Howell, Class of 2011
Jon S. Howell, Class of 2011
Britney Foster Hull, Class of 2011
Emelyn T. Hunter, Class of 1994
Hugh T. Hunter, Class of 1994
Reba T. Hunter, Class of 1991
Sam R. Hunter Jr., Class of 1991
April M. Jackson, Class of 2013
Heather “Lee” Jarboe, Class of 2015
Mark Jarboe, Class of 2019
Kim Jinks, Class of 2003
Arthur Johnson, Class of 2009
Casey Johnson, Class of 2012
Kaci Johnson, Class of 2012
Caren Jones, Class of 1996
Milton H. Jones Jr., Class of 1992
W. Powell Jones, Class of 1996
Emily P. Joseph, Class of 1988
Chris Joseph, Class of 1988
Anne Kerr, Class of 1978
Audrey D. King, Class of 2014
Jeffrey K. Kingsley, Class of 2012
Ann Estes Klamon, Class of 1977
Kasey William Knight, Class of 2012
Melvin Kruger, Past Chair, Georgia
Chamber of Commerce
Merry Jo Whidby Kurrie, Class of 1988
Larry E. Landers, D.D.S., Class of 1984
Valery Landers, Class of 1984
Evelyn L. Langdale, Class of 1998
William P. Langdale III, Class of 1998
Deidra W. Langstaff, Class of 2009
Dr. W.W Law
Margaret Lawrence, Class of 1991
Ted E. Lawrence, Class of 1991
Shane Lazenby, Class of 2013
Angie Lewis, Class of 2007
James R. Lientz Jr., Class of 1978
John G. Lientz, Class of 1983
Teresa MacCartney, Class of 2015
Eddie M. Madden, Class of 1991
Judy Madden, Class of 1991
William C. Mangum
Daylon Martin, Class of 2015
Tavia McCuean, Class of 1992
James McCurry, Class of 2005
Gregg E. McDougal, Class of 1996
Nancy I. McDougal, Class of 1996
Laura J. Meadows, Class of 1993
Steven Meeks, Class of 2012
Pat B. Merritt, Class of 1997
Mary Battey Moses, Class of 1999
Sarah Murph, Class of 2019
Robert G. Nelson, Class of 1993
Alan NeSmith, Class of 2010
Heather NeSmith, Class of 2010
Angeanette Nixon, Class of 2012
James Anderson Nixon, Class of 2012
Solomon Nixon Jr., Class of 2012
Senator Sam Nunn, Class of 1972
Paul Oeland, Class of 2009
Elizabeth Ogie, Class of 1997
Evan Oglesby, Class of 2019
Edmund E. Olsen, Class of 1988
John R. Parker Jr., Class of 1992
Kay Parker, Class of 1992
Michael Patrick, Class of 2013
Bob Paul, Class of 2004
Hart Wilheit Payne, Class of 2006
David E. Pennington III, Class of 1990
Nora Polk, Class of 2016
Daniel E. Ponder Jr., Class of 1984
Terri Ragsdale, Class of 1990
Warren A. Ragsdale, Class of 1990
In Memory of Ellen Davis Raulerson,
Class of 1989
Karen C. Ray, Class of 1998
Robert F. Ray Jr., Class of 1998
Robert L. Rearden Jr., Class of 1973
Matt Reed, Class of 2017
Laura M. Reid, Class of 1998
Edward Reynolds, Class of 1995
Chip and Kandi Riddle, Class of 2001
Melinda Robinson-Moffett, Class of 2018
Joseph A. Roseborough, Class of 1997
Teresa W. Roseborough, Class of 1997
Joseph Melvin Sapp, Class of 2011
Bryan Sappe, Class of 2015
Amanda Seals, Class of 2013
Andrea Shelton, Class of 2006
In Memory of Charlie Roberts Short
Marsay Simpson, Class of 2012
Burleigh L. Singleton, Class of 2005
Jeff Sinyard, Class of 1998
Lillie Sinyard, Class of 1998
Charlene Sizemore, Class of 1998
Adam Smith, Class of 2014
Caryl Greenburg Smith, Class of 1997
Edward Kendrick Smith, Class of 1997
* Fran Smith, Class of 2014
* Russell Tilden Smith, Class of 2014
H. Milton Stewart Jr., Class of 1972
* Jeb Milton Stewart, Class of 2011
* Stephanie Stewart, Class of 2011
Robert Joseph Stone Jr., Class of 2011
B. Jackson Sullivan Jr., Class of 1992
Beth Sullivan, Class of 1993
Leah Sumner, Class of 1990
Carl E. Swearingen, Class of 1977
Dan E. Sweat Jr., Class of 1972
J.W. Talley Jr., Class of 1972
Ben J. Tarbutton III, Class of 2004
* Benjamin R. Tarbutton, Class of 2009
Charles K. Tarbutton, Class of 1994
Helen Tarbutton, Class of 1994
Beverly Y. Tarver, Class of 1994
Edward J. Tarver, Class of 1994
Katerina Y. Taylor, Class of 2013
Anne Threadgill, Class of 2020-21
E. Dale Threadgill, Ph.D. Class of 1981
Patricia B. Threadgill, Class of 1981
Ansley Threlkeld, Class of 2009
Elizabeth S. Todd, Class of 1994
William J. Todd, Class of 1994
Trip Tollison, Class of 2009
Angel Brown Touwsma, Class of 2013
David Touwsma, Class of 2013
Dixie Truelove, Class of 2004
John Roscoe Vardeman, Class of 1996
Tracy Michael Vardeman, Class of 1996
W. David Varner, M.D. Class of 1990
In Memory of Jack Vaughan, Class of 1994
Cecilia D. Verner, Class of 1998
William H. Verner, Class of 1998
Staci Vinton, Class of 2017
Jennifer Wade, Class of 2011
T. Rogers Wade, Class of 1972
William Wade, Class of 2011
Ryan Waldrep, Class of 2014
Connie Waller, Class of 1995
David Waller, Class of 1995
Emily Howard Watson, Class of 2012
Sam Watson, Class of 2012
Joel Wernick, Class of 1994
Deborah K. Whitfield, Class of 1993
Henry C. Whitfield III, Class of 1993
Charles W. Whitney, Class of 1988
Rhonda Wilcox, Class of 1995
Addie Wilheit Jr., Class of 2012
Philip Wilheit, Jr., Class of 2012
In Memory of Thomas Turner Wilheit
Mary Hart Wilheit, Class of 1986
Philip A. Wilheit, Class of 1986
Philip A. Wilheit Jr., Class of 2012
Charles M. Williams, Class of 1993
Charlotte C. Williams, Class of 1993
Deidre N. Williams, Class of 2005
Delos N. Williams, Class of 2003
Bruce Williamson, Class of 2000
George Williamson, Class of 1979
Sugandha “Sugar” Yadav, Class of 2018
Delos Yancey, Class of 2003
71 Society Estate Planning Fund
In 1971, the founders of Leadership Georgia began to plan for the first program class, which took place the following year. They knew the development of emerging leaders would be critical for Georgia to prosper. The ’71 Society was created to foster giving
through estate plans and strengthen the foundation for the Leadership Georgia classes of tomorrow.
Benefits of Giving
- Minimize gift and estate taxes
- Minimize or even eliminate capital gains tax
- Diversify assets without incurring capital gains tax
- Maximize charitable deductions
- Maximize effectiveness of your gift
Giving Options
A bequest provides for the transfer by will of a specific asset – generally a named sum or a percentage of the value of the estate. The way the gift is made can be tailored to meet the special needs of family and friends. Donors may choose to give without restriction, allowing the leadership to use future funds in a way that meets changing needs and priorities with maximum flexibility.
In many cases a combination of estate taxes, income taxes, and generation-skipping transfer taxes can consume nearly 80% of a retirement plan account such as an IRA. Gifting your plan to Leadership Georgia would eliminate the income tax, generation-skipping tax, and the estate tax on the funds in the plan. To gift an IRA or 401K you need to fill out a Beneficiary Designation/Change Form naming Leadership Georgia Foundation as your beneficiary and file it with your plan administrator.
Using life insurance many donors can make a substantially larger gift than by giving any other asset. To gift an existing policy a donor simply needs to complete a change of ownership form, naming the Leadership Georgia Foundation as the new policy owner. To gift a new policy a donor needs to purchase a policy naming the Leadership Georgia Foundation as the owner of the policy.
For those individuals who desire a separately invested trust to provide for loved ones, as well as for Leadership Georgia, there are a number of options provided by charitable remainder trusts. The trust holds assets for a term of years (up to 20) or for the lifetime of those individuals who are designated as income beneficiaries. At the conclusion of the trust the assets are given to the designated charities to be used as the donor directed.
Leadership Georgia Foundation is prepared to discuss with you and your financial advisors the full benefits of planned gifts.
For more information or to schedule a meeting, please contact the Leadership Georgia Foundation at 770-546-0260 or manager@leadershipgeorgia.org.